HP TouchSmart IQ800

HP TouchSmart IQ800

<— Does this remind you of anything???

Ok, I’ll give you a clue… it’s a type of fruit…

No, not a melon! An orange? No. Pear? Close. Ahh, an APPLE!!!

That’s right – no prizes for guessing where HP took the inspiration for their TouchSmart IQ800. While there is no denying that it looks like an Apple, it is certainly no cheap alternative. Check out these stats.

Pretty good, huh? Yep, it’s not cheap in looks, software & hardware and of course, not in price either…

In terms of cost, the IQ804 releases in the US next week at $1,899 ( approx. £950) and the IQ816 will set you back $2,099 (£1,050) when it launches on October 12.

Is it value for money – I guess we’ll have to wait and see…