There have been rumours & whispers for months. Now, finally, HTC has broken the silence and confirmed it is developing a smartphone called the ‘Touch HD’. They have even gone so far as to confirm the phone specs. See that here.

I’ll be frank; It looks pretty good! It has a HUGE 400 x 800 pixel display & a fantastic 5 megapixel camera amongst many other great features. The display and camera stand out to me as that is my must have on my next phone. I am fed up of carrying round my huge Sony DSC (not very pocket-sized), & if I can get a phone that also takes great pictures & then neatly fits back in my pocket – well, happy days!!!

There’s great music & connectivity features too, if that’s your bag. Check it out using the link above. It is slated for an end-of-year release – no doubt just in time for xmas!!!



I’ll let the video do the talking…

How cool is that!!?!! It’s called the Beat Bearing. Not something that a serious musician would want, i’m sure, but I think it is a candidate for the best ‘Desk Toy’ ever! Forget those swinging balls…
