T-Mobile G1 with Android

T-Mobile G1 with Android

Finally the first phone to use Google’s Android software has been unveiled!

The T-Mobile G1 handset will feature a touch screen, Qwerty keyboard and a three megapixel camera.

The real bonus to the phone, and ultimately the software, is the ability for developers to create apps for it (if you haven’t heard, it is open source). Apparantly there will be an ‘Android Market’, where users will be able to download applications for their G1.

I look forward to giving a hands-on review when it is released in the UK in December!

Google Phone Concept

Google Phone Concept

I wanted to post today about the long awaited Google Phone. I’ve got to be honest – i’m really excited about it. Ever since the 1st mention of Google planning to release a handset, I have been following the story closely.

I’m a big fan of Google. Aside from the search engine, they provide host of quality software either free, or at very competetive prices. While, like any company, they are motivated by profits (AdWords being a prime example), to the consumer they are a breath of fresh air.

So… I really hope I won’t be disappointed when we finally get to see the Google Phone next week. Yes – next week T-Mobile & Google will unveil the long awaited device, made by Taiwanese cell-phone company HTC.

What REALLY excites me is not the hardware, but the software – namely Android. The current mobile platforms (Windows Mobile and Symbian) are notoriously tricky to write programs for and sometimes limit access to the underlying hardware. Android though, has been designed to make it simple to build applications, and it gives programmers free rein over the phone’s hardware. Although Android is not fully Open Source yet (it will be later in the year), it is still far easier to write programs for & this should mean, for us as the consumer, a whole host of quality applications that fully utilize the phones hardware.

That is what I hope anyway. We’ve all been sucked into media hype before, so I’ll reserve final judgement until I’ve seen the Google Phone & Android in action!

Here’s hoping we’re not disappointed…